2007 | A psychological thriller about a man hitting his breaking point.
My senior year of high school (2003), I made a movie. It is, to this day the biggest project I ever took on. It took about 9 months to make, with a budget of around $5000. All of which was spent on a Canon Xl1s, mini DV camera. It was top of the line in its day, it was even used film "real" movies like 28 Days Later. Granted, it was completely kitted out, with lens' that probably costed x3 as much as the camera body, but still. It was my first real piece of professional equipment, and I still have it. That said, the film had the potential to look really good... if I had any clue what I was doing. Alas, I did not, and to add insult to injury, in my quest to achieve "that film look" I utterly massacred the footage. I've done what I could to "remaster it" and it's definitely still watchable, even in its original state. I do still have most of the original files, and even the original tapes. I could potentially even rebuild the entire move from scratch, and new effects and CGI that I would never have been capable of doing 22 years ago! ... But idk, I should probably spend my time on making new things. Sequel?! I'd be the only returning cast member, I can tell you that! lol. Well, I could probably get 'Mr. Sharphorn,' though it's hard enough to het him to meet me for coffee ;) Anyway, please enjoy ZET. There are also a ton of extras for this one so be sure to give them a look. Making of documentary, commentary, pictures, the works!
P.S. If you are a student, take FULL advantage of that ! You have no idea how much access being a "student" gives you. You can do as a student that you could never get away with doing as a 'normal citizen!' (in the US at least, but I'd imagine the liberties would extend in most other countries...) "it's a for a student film" "it's for a class project" "it's for school" they are magic f'n words! ***Spoiler's*** there's a scene where we (admittedly badly) fake punch a cop, if that gives you any idea!
2007 | A psychological thriller about a man hitting his breaking point.
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Sed nisl arcu euismod sit amet nisi lorem etiam dolor veroeros et feugiat.
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